2006 Lowe 175 Stinger Fishing Boat

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 45 Times


Great condition 2006 Lowe 175 Stinger all aluminum fishing boat with carpeted casting platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New books by Marc Brown : Arthur's Teacher Moves In - several available - $4 Arthur Babysits - $4 Arthur's Birthday - $4 Arthur's New Puppy - $4 Arthur's Tooth - $4 Arthur's Baby - $4 Arthur's Computer Disaster - $4 Arthur's Eyes - $4 Arthur's First Sleepover - $4 Arthur's Lost and Found - $4 Arthur's Underwear - $4 Arthur's Halloween - excellent condition paperback - $4 Arthur's Back-to-School Surprise - new book with 2 pages of stickers - $5 Arthur, Clean Your Room! - new book with 2 pages of stickers - $5 D.W., Go To Your Room! - new book - $4 D.W. Rides Again! - new book - $4 children kids cartoon cartoons WTTW public television PBS AMAZING WHALES by Sarah Thomson - new nonfiction paperback - several available - $4 THE DOLPHIN by Yvette Metral - Animal World - new nonfiction paperback - $4 DOLPHIN by Mymi Doinet - new hardcover Abbeville Animals book printed in France -$5 DOLPHIN'S FIRST DAY - THE STORY OF A BOTTLENOSE DOLPHIN by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld - large new Smithsonian Science paperback - $6 FRIENDLY DOLPHINS by Allan Fowler - Rookie Reader Science book - $4 WHALES AND DOLPHINS - DK EYE WONDER - new large nonfiction paperback with factual information + beautiful photographs of cetaceans - 48 pages - $9 WHALES - FACE TO FACE - new large paperback about different types of whales + their lives in the ocean : how they swim, communicate, hunt, fight, ... - includes excellent photos + illustrations - $10 HUNGRY, HUNGRY SHARKS! A Science Reader by Joanna Cole - new nonfiction paperback full of amazing facts - 48 pages - several available - $5