Japanese Garlic (Ajo Japones) HERBAL SUPPLEMENT!

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 14 Times


WWW.MORELDISTRIBUTION.COM Japanese garlic is the same as regular garlic from other locations, though Japanese garlic has a more established tradition as an herbal supplement in Asia. HOW TO USE: Peel and take 1 or 2 Japanese pieces in fasting every day, accompanied by your favorite drink. If garlic clove is too big, please cut it into 2 or 3 pieces for swallowing. CONSIDERATIONS: • Garlic is safe for most people to consume, though it can cause an upset stomach. • Talk to your doctor before taking any garlic supplements. STORAGE: You can store garlic in a paper bag, egg carton, or mesh bag. Just be sure there is plenty of dry air and little light to inhibit sprouting. To avoid mold, do not refrigerate or store garlic in enclosed plastic bags. FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT OUR WEBSITE: WWW.MORELDISTRIBUTION.COM