Whole AGH BBQ Pigs

  • City: Los Angeles
  • State: California
  • Ad Viewed : 15 Times


Featured in the Slow Food USA Ark of Taste book ( https://slowfoodusa.org/ark-of-taste-book/), the American Guinea hog was once near extinction. Known for its smaller frame, slow growth rate and prodigious lard content, the AGH makes an excellent juicy, whole hog for roasting. Now, you and your family can enjoy a taste right out of American history, thanks to Darby Trail Guinea Hogs. Our BBQ pigs have a "ready to roast"weight of between 30-40 lbs and were born and raised on pasture and woodland at our farm in Randolph County 100% hormone and antibiotic free. Rates for our pigs are $150 with free delivery available to most places within the Triangle area. Please contact us to reserve yours today. Thank You Darby Trail